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4 Reasons Why You Should Work with a Home Network Installer


Make your home’s cybersecurity a priority by hiring a home network installer

The world of smart homes has advanced significantly. The underlying requirement today for any home is a reliable home network that allows for devices to communicate efficiently with each other. Beyond having fast, robust signals, you’ll want a network that fiercely guards your information from third parties. This is why it’s vital to hire a professional home network installer for your Greenwich, CT home.

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Do You Have the Right Home Network for All of Your Needs?


Three Brands Lay Claim to Providing the Best Networks for Home and Business Use

Our homes are rapidly filling up with devices that require a network connection. From smart home automation to streaming Netflix and tuning into Spotify, our lives are immersed in the Internet of Things. If someone in the household has recently switched to an at-home position, or the kids are still studying through their school’s online portal, chances are you’re running up against the limits of what your home network was designed for.

A few key signs that it’s time to upgrade include slow downloads, dead zones, and even security threats. A quality network system that supplies enough bandwidth should allow you to move from room to room without losing your speed or connection and enable you to download websites almost instantaneously.

If you’re working from home, the last thing you want to experience is a dropped Zoom connection in the middle of an important meeting. So, let’s look at three products that can take your internet connections from spotty and slow to reliable and fast. As a premier networking solutions company in Westchester County, NY, we know what products work in the surrounding area and provide the greatest service.

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Every Home Benefits From Upgrading To WiFi6


The Newest Wireless Protocol Provides A Secure and Reliable Connection for Entertainment and Remote Office Streaming

The modern home relies extensively upon the data network. Smart home devices use this connection to communicate with each other and the internet. Unfortunately, while wireless connections are the most convenient method of connecting, they are often the most unreliable. That is until now.

WiFi 6 (IEEE 802.11ax) takes wireless data networking a stunning step forward with features that remarkably improve performance for the average and super-user alike. The devices and standards are built to give you reliable and stable 4K & 8K streaming and remote office conferencing.

Are you intrigued to see how WiFi 6 can make your Westchester County and surrounding area, home network faster, safer, and more reliable? Learn more by continuing to read below.

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